Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Found in our Cat's food dish!

Our 7 year old, Connor found this scorpion in our Cat's food the other morning! Yikes! I'm glad Scott was home (I wasn't) to take care of it! We've been warned that the scorpions get bad this time of year - I guess I wasn't expecting one IN our house!!
"Welcome back to the Southwest", Scott said as he tormented me with pretending to dump the scorpion on my head!
Michigan had a lot more bugs than Colorado does... but there were very few dangerously poisonous bugs in Michigan... There are fewer bugs here (which seems really nice at first) but the majority of those few bugs are highly dangerous. That causes me just a little bit of stress... especially with 3 little boys who never stop exploring...


Anna K. said...

ICK! Michigan does have its share of bugs... I picked up a project in my art studio at MSU today and a cockroach jumped out of it... Needless to say I got yelled at for screaming and scaring everyone...

Hope this sighting is a one time thing for you!

Kim Caro said...

eepsaroo! oh my! i cant believe it...

Lee said...

It's coming up on fishfly season up here, though you guys probably didn't get many of those in the bush. *insert awkward pause here*

I can't believe how big your little one got! Hope things are going excellently for you guys down in Colorado.

Christine said...

lol, welcome to colorado. Here's the flip side of expectations. When tim was reclassing from a weapons sergeant to a communications sergeant, we had to move from our house here in Colorado back to North carolina for a year. I had about three weeks to find a house and settle in once we got there. The area around Ft. Bragg is crime ridden and really rundown. When we finally found a house that wasn't across the street from a crack den or next to a rundown neighborhood we snapped it up. So, as we are unloading our furniture, I am standing in the living room when I see a fairly large insect scurrying across the carpet (four inches minimum) with it's tail curled up. Without even thinking about it I told my oldest daughter Kate to grab a knife, there was a scorpion in the house. So, I get the knife, chase it down and kill it. As it is impaled on the end of the knife, I look closely and see that it is a HUGE COCKROACH. Strangely enough, I would have preferred the scorpion. My only advice is to shake your shoes. lol.