Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Peridot {Celebration of August} ring

Originally uploaded by Lunasa Designs
Only 3 more days to take advantage of my Limerick sale!
Here are a few limerick's I've received so far.

The first 2 are from Emily and Tim:

There once was a girl who liked beer
who finished her bottle with cheer
she went for a stout
then saw she was out
and closed the fridge door with a tear

There once was a girl who was pale
who ordered some jewelry by mail
a limerick she penned
for Rebekah her friend
and got her whole order on sale

The 3rd is from Samantha (check out her etsy shop also!):

I've been looking so hard for a job.
It seems everyone is being a snob.

I'm distracting myself online
And drinking a little wine....

I guess I'll have to learn to hob-nob.


I LOVE these!! Keep 'em coming!!

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