Sunday, January 25, 2009

Today is my youngest son's birthday! Sawyer turns 2!

I remember when Sawyer was born - I said, "this is the first good thing to happen in the month of January in a looong time". I've dealt with a lot of death in this month - it was so good to rejoice in life in the hardest month of winter! So today we rejoice!

My little red headed child is the spitting image of my Irish grandmother Aggie who died 5 years ago on January 20th. She was not just my grandmother - but the one, strong, irreplaceable matriarchal force in my life. I miss her intensely.

In honor of Sawyer's second birthday I am having a sale in my etsy shop. Check out my shop announcement for details:


Anji Gallanos said...

Happy Birthday Sawyer!! He's a doll.
My grandmother died in January too...even though it was 10 years ago..January still makes me sad.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Sawyer!
I hope you had a good day.